Tabernacle Candle

Most Merciful Jesus Catholic Parish
Dedicate the Tabernacle Candle:
The Sanctuary Candle sits inside a red globe positioned by the Tabernacle and burns continuously to remind us of the sacramental presence of Jesus Christ whenever the Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the Tabernacle in our Catholic Church. It is an emblem of Christ's abiding love and a reminder to the faithful to respond with loving adoration in return.
You now have an opportunity to sponsor a Tabernacle Candle if you would like to have the Tabernacle Candle burning for 7-days In Memory of or In Honor of someone. Each week a Tabernacle Candle has been dedicated; the intention will be posted in the bulletin.
1. Check the calendar below for available dates (Sundays) which have "Available". Dates which have "In Memory of" or "In Honor Of" have already been dedicated. The online form will require both a requested and an alternate date, in case your requested date was already submitted by someone else and not yet processed.
2. If requested, a card for the intention will be mailed.
3. Make sure to click on the Tabernacle Candle button below to complete the online form.
4. Payment Methods:
PayPal - Your $25 offering can be completed at the PayPal link below.
Drop Off Box in Office Foyer - Your offering can be paid by cash or check - made out to Mercy Parish with ‘Tabernacle Candle’ on the memo line, placed in an envelope with your Name and the words ‘Tabernacle Candle’ on the outside.
Mail - send check made to Mercy Parish with Tabernacle Candle on memo line to: Most Merciful Jesus Catholic Parish, Att: Tabernacle Candle Dedication, 10509 Segers Road, Madison, AL 35756.
*Please Note: Your Tabernacle Candle Dedication date is reserved for two-weeks to allow the offering to be either mailed or dropped off in the Office Foyer (for those not using PayPal).