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Mercy Parish Pastoral Council

The purpose of the Mercy Parish PC is to assist the Pastor in uniting the parishioners, staff and clergy in a faith community aligned with the Parish Mission Statement.
OUR MOST MERCIFUL JESUS CATHOLIC CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT: In the spirit of mercy, faith, service, love, and community, we, Most Merciful Jesus Parish, encourage a welcoming family atmosphere that seeks to remain fresh and open to spiritual growth as we strive to grow a faith family in the merciful ways of Jesus Christ.
The duty of PC members is to provide counsel and assistance in achieving the purpose of Mercy Parish’s goals and objectives set by the Pastor. The PC’s primary duty is twofold:
1) to serve as a communication conduit between Pastor, parishioners, clergy, ministries, commissions and committees, and
2) to serve as a visible catalyst and overarching example of service to our entire faith family.
PC members serve to represent the entire Mercy Parish faith family and do not represent any one location, group or issue.
Pastoral Council Members and contact info:
  Executive Committee:


Doug Tremblay


Greg Pollard


Matt Mandeville


  Regular PC Members:

Allan Anderson

Diane Benzick

Tom Caillouet

Dan Frische

Donalee Lasseter

Chris McDaniel

Elizabeth Olynick

Patrick Ryan


Alternate PC Members:
Tim McKaig


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