Father Joy's Birthday Guestbook

Father Joy's Birthday is March 9th!
Please help us show Fr. Joy how much we love him by leaving a Birthday greeting for him. You can do this by clicking on the "comments box" below, and typing your message. It will ask for your name and email address. Please add your First and Last Name. If you don't wish to leave your name and email address, simply put "Guest" in the Name box, and add "webmaster@mercyparish.church" as the email address.
Alternatively, if you don't want to share your Birthday wishes publicly, you can send a Birthday email greeting to Father by clicking on this link.
Additionally, all of us know how much it means to Father that we "build our community." So, if you'd like to support 'building our community' online, then you can contribute to the Building Fund by clicking on the Donate button.
While this link takes to you a PayPal page, you don't need a PayPal account. You can donate using your debit or credit card without logging in. Alternatively, you can use blue envelopes found in the Parish gathering space marked for this occasion.
Please know that there is no requirement to make a donation to leave Father a birthday message. You can express your love and appreciation for free!
Thank you to all of our Parishioners and all those who support Most Merciful Jesus Catholic Parish - and a very Happy Birthday to Father Joy!