Most Merciful Jesus Catholic Parish
10509 Segers Road Madison, AL 35756
Fr. Joy Chalissery-Pastor
Parish Office Hours: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9:30 am - Noon
Quick Links
Mass and Reconciliation Times
Sunday Mass: 8:30 am (Rosary - 8:00 am) and 11:30 am
Saturday Evening: 5:00 pm (Rosary - 4:30 pm), Live-Streamed
Daily Mass: Tuesday - Friday at 8:30 am (Rosary - 8:00 am), Live-Streamed
Holy Hour: Fridays after daily Mass
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays from 3:30-4:30 pm
If you are traveling, and need to know Mass times at your destination, visit
Click here to see for our Parish bulletins.
Online Registration
Registration for Mercy Parish - You can register after all masses, or online by clicking this link.
Time and Talent
We continue to seek our New Parishioners Time and Talents. Please consider filling out the Time and Talent Survey by clicking this link to let us know what ministries you are interested in.
Online Giving
PLEASE click ONLINE GIVING DETAILS for more information. The online portal will open for a two-week period for each special collection throughout the year, i.e. Black and Indian Missions, Easter, Christmas, etc. Please refer to the bulletin for dates of open portals for special collections. If you have any questions, email
Mass Intentions
Mercy Parish has online Mass Intention Requests. For more information and the Mass Intention Calendar click this link.
Tabernacle Candle Dedication
Mercy Parish has online Tabernacle Candle requests.
Prayer Warriors
Mercy Parish has a prayer group, Mercy Prayer Warriors, dedicated to praying for the special requests of parishioners. If you would like to request a prayer, or would like to be a part of this important ministry, please email
Monthly Newsletters
Click on this link to see copies of our Parish monthly Newsletter. Idea and story submissions can be emailed to
Parishioner Owned Business
We have several parishioners who own their own business. Please support our parish family by patronizing them.
Kroger Shopping Rewards
KROGER purchases provide donations to Mercy parish based on the grocery shopping you do with your Kroger shopper’s card. Please click on Kroger Community Rewards to register your card. The organization number for Mercy Parish is KD763
News and Upcoming Events
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship
The Mercy Knights of Columbus are holding their annual Free Throw Championship on January 12th at 1:30pm at the St. John the Baptist school gym. The event is open to Boys and Girls, ages 9 through 14.
Entry forms will be available at the event. For more information, contact Dan Frische at 256-426-9986 or
Chili Cookoff
The Mercy Parish Chili Cookoff is back – and we’ve added a Cornbread Contest to the festivities!
Join us on January 17th for first social event of 2025! Chili and cornbread will warm our tummies, and fun and fellowship will warm our hearts with a Hot Tamale game and Chili Trivia. Click the link below for details.
High School Girls Bible Study
Calling all High School Girls! Please join us for a 5-week bible study on the Book of Ruth beginning Sunday, January 19th and ending Sunday, February 16th. We will meet in the Holy Family room each Sunday from 4-6pm. Dinner will be provided on Youth Group evenings. Please RSVP by emailing Ms. Caryn at
Rosary Chain
Rosary Chain for Construction of Our New Church
Mercy’s Rosary Chain for the successful planning and construction of our New Mercy Parish building needs Your participation for January 2025! Those not using computers, use paper sign-up in the Gathering Area.
Mercy Parishioners: Praying the Rosary for Construction of Our New Church
Most Merciful Jesus I thank you with all my heart for giving me Yourself in this Holy Eucharist; body, blood, soul and divinity.
May this precious gift enlighten me with the power to be your Mercy.
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine.
Most Merciful Father,
We thank You for Your unconditional love and infinite mercy. We turn to You with grateful hearts for bringing us from far and near and uniting us as Your loving family.
We pray for your blessing and guidance as we continue to build your Kingdom at Mercy parish. Give us a spirit of cooperation, and a generous sacrificial heart. May all those who support this mission find Your constant protection. Inflame us with the fire of your love so that we may become instruments of your Mercy to all Your creation. Humbly we pray through the intercession of our Blessed Mother and Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord
– Amen.
Most Merciful Jesus -- Have Mercy on us.
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You Sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart ... I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.